Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
Property Services
News and Editorial
Henry Levao

Henry Levao

Residential Sales

Henry Levao has been in the customer service sector for 14 years and knows the importance of working alongside clients in order for them to achieve their dreams and goals.

Henry is a highly dedicated and compassionate real estate agent who has a passion for helping clients to sell and purchase their dream homes.

Henry’s passion is people and that makes him a hard working, kind-hearted, empathetic, multicultural, and talented person.

Henry also trained in the art of Opera, where he is still singing professionally.

Henry would love to help you achieve your dreams by turning them into keys. If you want a chat in regard to selling your property or buying, feel free to give Henry a call, text or email.

#Altogether Turning Dreams into Keys



Capital Commercial 2013 Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008


Lower Hutt

120 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt
Capital Commercial 2013 Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008

Contact Henry Levao