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Lynn Jackson
Lynn Jackson

Lynn Jackson

Residential Property Manager

Lynn has had five years experience as a Property Manager, three of those with Bayleys, and years of involvement being the landlord of multiple properties. She understands how fine the balance is in keeping a tenant long term and having a financially successful business.

Lynn comes from an extensive background in banking and administration with a short foray as a travel agent. This was sparked by her love of travel and she even went solo in Europe for three months a couple of years ago.

She believes that good working relationships with owners, tenants and contractors are pivotal in being able to provide a professional service to her clients. “Working with Bayleys and having a smaller portfolio compared to most bigger companies is wonderful. It means I have the time to be a more proactive, efficient and effective Property Manager”

Give her a call to discuss how she can make managing your property less stressful for you. Its like insurance, you do not know how important we are until you need us.





459 Pollen Street, Thames, Coromandel
MH Realty Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008

Contact Lynn Jackson