Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
Property Services
News and Editorial
Nick Emery

Nick Emery

Commercial and Industrial Sales and Leasing

Nick is an experienced agent spanning commercial and industrial sales and leasing and business broking. His wide-ranging expertise helps provide critical advice, connections and insights to clients for better than expected results.

Nick’s personal interest and practical skills in commercial and residential property investments and property development informs his approach. He also has a background as a business advisor providing business grants, and in business development, team leadership and service management. All of this gives Nick the ability to help people achieve their business and investment goals.

Nick is known for his strong work ethic, sound interpersonal skills and a can-do attitude that sets him apart from the rest. His dedication to providing excellent service to all of his clients is well recognised and he shows a willingness to go above and beyond when required. With an ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions any deal flows smoothly. Nick is always seeking ways to build and maintain strong relationships with clients, colleagues and other professionals in the industry, as he knows that this collaborative attitude, along with knowing his clients long-term goals, is the key to unearthing great opportunities.

Outside of work Nick enjoys competitive sports and is heavily involved in motocross. He is president and committee member of the Christchurch Off-road Motorcycle Club.

With exciting developments happening in Christchurch CBD this is one of Nick’s focuses. Working for commercial property buyers, sellers, owners and leases, putting deals together to help further their business goals, is his passion.



Whalan and Partners Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008



3 Deans Avenue, Riccarton, Christchurch
Whalan and Partners Ltd, Bayleys,
Licensed under the REA Act 2008

Contact Nick Emery